about the author

Jimmy Mack is a medical intuitive and spiritual life coach. He has completed a variety of healing modalities but after a near death experience (NDE) he noticed that his ability to help and contribute to others had greatly increased. He works/lays with clients worldwide by way of in-person appointments, phone, and Skype. Jimmy Mack is an ordained minister, has degrees in American Studies and Theology, and a Doctor of Divinity degree. He learned about Reiki and became a Mayan Usui Reiki Master. He has studied psychometry, psychic development. He has gone on shamanic journeys, taken remote viewing classes, and studied Ascension with the monks. Later, he explored and completed levels of Access Consciousness, Theta healing as developed by Vianna Stibal, as well as levels one, two, and three of reconnective healing made popular by Eric Pearl DC. He became a certified practitioner in Matrix Energetics with Richard Bartlett DC, NP, as well as the Yuen Method made popular by Dr. Kam Yuen.

“Jimmy Mack has simplified the process of healing ourselves and others so that even a child can do it. It’s an outstanding book that is a must read for everyone. This book is a priceless gift to humanity, now we all can heal ourselves. This is a priceless and powerful gift!”
-Kathy Perry, Social Media & Energy Empowerment Coach;
Co-Author In Stepping Stones to Success
with Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield & Dr. Denis Waitley

“Fascinating yet simple, this book opens your eyes and your mind to the amazing potential right at your own fingertips. It’s an entertaining, enlight-ening read for anybody interested in self-empowerment as well as self-improvement”
-Brett Ellen Block, American novelist and short story writer

“Dynamic, straightforward and an easy read that can with practice, transform your life”
-Scott Steel, Steel Studios
Internationally syndicated
TV and Radio host
The T Form (transformational) NetWork

“Bravo Jimmy Mack I particularly love the way you cut to the chase, simplifying your work so that anyone can benefit. I followed your instructions, as if I were a beginner and found your work not only easy and effective to do, but a whole lot of fun as well. For so many, healingt has become all about the never ending search for ‘what is wrong with us?’ Your book sets us free to find easily what can and will ‘be right’ with us!”
– Chris Gibson, Writer, Healer
Memoirs of a Fat Bastard

“Jimmy Mack is an extraordinary healer and an amazing person. His work Is dynamic, fast and effective. His generosity is reflected in his new book where he shares his tools, wisdom to achieving a state of wellbeing, health, joy and clarity – with ease. Every technique In the book can be used in everyday living by anyone, even without training In healing modalities.”
-Gosia Lorenz

Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557
Hard copy of the book https://www.createspace.com/4558488
Kindle Version  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFZNN9S
PDF? merely email me and I can send it to you
Transformational Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit, People, Places, Pets and Situations!

One thought on “about the author

  1. listened to your (replay) show with Sheila today. I thee ‘ultimate searcher’, I want to buy your book, leave my lose, and lack mentality, and the family s*%t karma behind me! Thank you.

    Sharon Rodgers

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